Global information

Global information

Which is the most dazzling gaming news today? Who is the most popular leading figure now?《Global information 》will keep you in touch with the latest up to date news every day.
《Global information 》being part of our main news framework,it provides readers with domestic and global international information at different times of the day, gathers and focuses on the hottest and latest authoritative news on the internet and global media,thereafter select those up to date gaming news that readers need in just one click away.
The main sections of《Global information 》are categorized under market dynamics, peripheral news, popular gaming figures and sports update which allows the readers to clearly differentiate the type of news they need and interested in. 《Global information 》refers to Xinhua News Agency, The Associated Press, Reuters, CNN and other major global news organizations as references for its news content. We are also a comprehensive and professional gaming network that brings together global information, the gaming industry, gaming software and player strategies. Our goal is to become internationalized and that’s the reason why we have a English version of the news content, other than the Chinese version. In《Global information 》,all you need is just ten minutes and you get to know what’s happening in the global gaming industry today!

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