总部地点: Gambling Division H.M Government of Gibraltar Europort Suite 812 & 813 GX11 1AA Gibraltar
直布罗陀博奕委员会成立于2005年,是于当地管制遥控博彩牌照的机构,当中包括在线以及电话受注。 由于直布罗陀严苛及透明化的审核标准,被英国博弈委员会(UK Gambling Comission)认可并列入白名单当中,这即代表直布罗陀的执照可在英国的领土上行使赌博广告服务。有鉴于此,自直布罗陀开放申请在线博弈执照后,许多知名的博弈业者相继到此申请在线博弈执照,其中不乏在亚洲已具有相当知名度的业者。
官网连结 :https://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/
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Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association
Date of establishment:January 2005
Headquarter location:Gambling Division H.M Government of Gibraltar Europort Suite 812 & 813 GX11 1AA Gibraltar
Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association is established in 2005. The Association is responsilbe for regulation the remote gaming activities. It includes both online gaming and telephone betting.
Official Site: https://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/
Licence holders: https://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/finance-gaming-and-regulations/remote-gambling#ancla2
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